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Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752 Mass Tort

Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752

Important Update as of June 10, 2024 - S. v. Ukraine International Airlines JSC, 2024 ONSC 3303

The Ontario Superior Court of Justice has issued a ruling against Ukraine International Airlines (UIA) in favour of the victims of Flight PS 752, which tragically met its demise over Tehran on January 8, 2020. This was a landmark case that sought accountability for the shoot down of the civilian plane, killing all 176 passengers and crew members on board.

On that fateful day, Flight PS 752, with many Canadian citizens and residents on board, was struck down by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard amidst an escalating conflict between Iran and the United States.

This decision came after an exhaustive 18-day trial that concluded in January 2024, where Justice Jasmine Akbarali ruled that UIA did not take adequate precautions considering the precarious circumstances, including the recent missile strikes by Iran against U.S. forces in Iraq. The complete ruling is accessible for review here.

This ruling is pivotal, as it allows the families to seek damages in excess of the amount awarded under the Montreal Convention.

We want to express our gratitude and admiration to Justice Akbarali, who presided over the trial with a trauma-informed approach. She showed compassion and respect to the victims and family members, who had to relive their pain and grief in the courtroom. She also ensured that the trial was fair and rigorous, applying the highest standards of evidence and law.

This trial was not only about obtaining justice, but also about healing and closure. Gluckstein Lawyers was proud to represent many families of the passengers who lost their lives in the tragedy and to know that our contributions were vital in holding UIA accountable.

We hope that this verdict will bring some measure of peace and solace to the families of flight PS752, who have suffered so much. We stand with them in solidarity and support. 

If you have any questions or require further information regarding this decision, please reach out to Jordan here.

More Information:

On January 8th, 2020, a scheduled international passenger flight from Tehran to Kyiv operated by Ukraine International Airlines (UIA) took off. Devastatingly, the Boeing 737-800 was shot down shortly after takeoff from Tehran Imam Khomeini International Airport.

If you or a loved one have been affected by this tragedy and are not being represented or have yet to speak with a lawyer, the team at Gluckstein Lawyers are prepared to represent you with integrity, and help you recover the compensation you need and deserve.

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