Compassion Fatigue Conference 2022
Strategies to support caregiver well-being
Gluckstein Lawyers invites you to our COMPLIMENTARY annual Compassion Fatigue Conference.
Compassion fatigue is a workplace hazard for caregivers across service-sector industries.
Join our panelists from the Werklund School of Education, including the faculty Dean, Dr. Dianne Gereluk, the Alberta Teachers Association, and the ASEBP (Alberta School Employee Benefits Plans) in our discussion of “streaking out of compassion fatigue.”
The panelists will talk about a recent two-year study into the experience of compassion fatigue within the education sector. They will detail the strategies needed at both the organizational and individual levels to prevent and address compassion fatigue and burnout, as well as introduce the idea of “streaking” for well-being.
Location: Online Event
Cost: Complimentary
How to register
Registration is COMPLIMENTARY. To register for this online event, please visit our conference 2022 registration page.
Overcoming compassion fatigue
Compassion has always been at the heart of what we do at Gluckstein Lawyers. This annual conference is about giving back to our community and those who work in the service-sector to care for others, whether as nurses, social workers, doctors, teachers, lawyers or family members.
We are here for you and hope you will join us on May 19, 2022 to better understand what you can do to prevent burnout.
GerelukWerklund School of Education (Dean)
Dianne Gereluk is Dean and Professor at the Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary. Her research examines normative aspects of educational policy and practices specifically related to politically contested and controversial issues in education. More recently, Gereluk has written about notions of well-being in higher education. Gereluk regularly speaks on CTV, CBC, and Alberta Primetime on politically sensitive topics in schools and education.
KendrickWerklund School of Education (Principle Researcher, Compassion Fatigue, Burnout, and Emotional Labour research study)
Before taking on her current role as Director, Field Experience (Community-Based Pathway) at the Werklund School of Education, Dr. Astrid Kendrick was a K-12 classroom teacher specializing in Physical Education and English/Language Arts for nineteen years. Her current research focuses on compassion fatigue, burnout, and emotional labour in Alberta educational workers, and she is a co-producer of the podcast series Ed Students in Conversation. As the co-chair of the Health Promoting Schools Collaborative for the southern Alberta region, she has worked closely with health champions from across Alberta’s health and education sectors to bring HEARTcare to educators. For three years, she was also the editor of the practitioner journal, the Runner for the Health and Physical Education Council (HPEC).
KapoyannisWerklund School of Education (Director, Field Experience)
Dr. Kapoyannis is the Director of Field Experience (On-Campus pathway) in the Werklund School of Education. She oversees the placement of 1100 preservice teachers and collaborates with over 50 Field Experience Instructors. Before taking on this role, Dr. Kapoyannis was a K-12 teacher for 17 years and served in several specialist and consulting roles. Her current research areas include field experience focusing on teacher well-being, adult learning, multilingualism, and digital instructional literacy.
EverittAlberta Teachers Association
Dr. Lisa Everitt has worked as an executive staff officer with the Alberta Teachers Association (the “Association”) since 2006. Lisa has held several roles at the Association and has developed expertise in labour relations, employee benefits plans, educational research, and women in leadership. Before joining the Association, Lisa taught high school mathematics in the Northwest Territories and Alberta. While Lisa’s interest in compassion fatigue, emotional labour, and educator burnout includes an academic perspective, it has also been informed by her work as a teacher working with vulnerable young people and her experience assisting teachers and school leaders struggling with mental, emotional health.
Volume-SmithAlberta School Benefits Plan
Dr. Volume-Smith is the Chief Stakeholder Relations Officer at the Alberta School Employee Benefit Plan (ASEBP). This not-for-profit organization proudly provides health and disability benefits to more than 60,000 employees of Alberta’s public education sector and their families. In this role, she facilitates intentional engagement and collaboration amongst key stakeholders within the health and education sectors and the health benefits industry to inform strategic and operational initiatives. Dr. Volume-Smith also participates in collaborative research initiatives within the education and health benefits sectors, providing subject matter and methodological expertise and insights.