How much is my injury worth and what will it cost me to start a lawsuit?

To better understand you, as a resident of Simcoe County and your questions surrounding the law and your personal rights, our legal team conducted an analysis of all the calls our personal injury intake department received over the past year. In our findings, we noted that one of the most common questions asked of our staff was "is my injury worth starting a lawsuit?" and "what are the fees involved and how much will it cost me?" We completely understand where you are coming from and hope that this post will help answer your most pressing inquiries.

What are my next steps after being injured?

Whether you have been injured due to a car accident, boating accident, slip & fall, assault, medical malpractice, or negligent manufacturers, the pain and suffering you experience will affect your everyday life. Hospital stays, medical bills, being unable to work, and relying on the support of your loved ones are some of the ways that an injury will affect your life. In order to get back to your normal, daily activities, it inevitably will cost money. You are probably asking yourself, "but this wasn't my fault, why should I have to pay for all of this?" Commencing a lawsuit against the negligent party who caused your injury to compensate you for damages of "pain and suffering" and income loss is one way to start rebuilding your life.

What goes into assessing the compensation I would receive for my injury?

Not all injuries are the same and therefore not all monetary claims in injury lawsuits are the same. When you are injured in an accident due to the negligence of another party, you can commence a lawsuit against them. Throughout the process of the lawsuit, the other party could present a settlement offer prior to going to trial. A settlement offer will take into consideration the severity of your injury, the impact the injury has had on being able to live your normal day-to-day activities that you did prior to the accident, as well as the income loss the injury has caused you.

How can a lawyer help me?

Contacting an experienced injury lawyer will make getting the proper compensation that you deserve, that much easier. Your lawyer will be able to review your insurance policies, draft and file the legal paperwork properly, calculate your damages, negotiate settlement offers with insurance companies and let you know when you receive a low offer. A lawyer is there to protect your legal rights and help you navigate a complicated legal process.

How much will my lawsuit cost?

Most law firms will be retained to represent you in your injury case on a contingency agreement. A contingency agreement is when a claimant does not pay any legal fees until a settlement or judgement has been received. When a lawyer works on this type of agreement, their fee will be a percentage of the settlement. This fee ranges from law firm to law firm and takes into consideration the following factors; the complexity of your claim, the likelihood of success, the expected amount for recovery, the expenses that could be involved, and the amount that could be awarded for costs. Fees can be discussed with the lawyer at the time of your initial meeting, prior to signing a retainer. If you have been injured and want to speak to a lawyer about the potential of commencing a claim, call Rastin Gluckstein Lawyers at 1-844-RASTIN1 (727-8461)


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