Gluckstein Employee Offers Support Through Shared Experience

2017.07 BLOOM artle

Gluckstein Lawyer's Client Liaison, Brenda Agnew, was recently featured in an article for BLOOM magazine, published by the Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Centre. In this incredible in-depth article, Brenda speaks about her story and the unique emotional journey experienced by families who have been affected by medical malpractice and negligence. 

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Brenda and her youngest son Maclain, age 10, pose together in their family home.

A mother's fight that didn't end until she found answers.

There is incredible power in sharing our trials and successes with one another. For many going through difficult times, knowing that you are not alone and have someone to talk to makes all the difference. Brenda knows this very well, as she herself is a parent who seeks and offers support to others in similar situations as those she has experienced. Brenda's son, Maclain, lives with disabilities acquired shortly after birth, resulting in cerebral palsy. Brenda had her suspicions about potential mistakes which were made by healthcare professionals days after Maclain was born. She did her due diligence to research and ask questions until she found the answers she was satisfied with.

Taking a life challenge, turning it into a powerful cause.

Upon realizing that her son Maclain had indeed acquired his disabilities due to untreated jaundice after birth, she reached out to us at Gluckstein Lawyers to file a medical malpractice suit against the hospital, which was using outdated medical protocols, and the healthcare professionals who were involved. She won her case and was able to secure compensation which would allow for Maclain to get the best care, support and opportunities available to him throughout his life. Her unwillingness, then and still today, to back down has ensured that her son will live his most successful life possible. Today, Brenda is a fierce and vocal advocate for parents and children living with disabilities, and who find themselves navigating similar experiences of either parenting a child with disability, being harmed by medical malpractice, or both. She acts as the fierce force behind Parent Advocacy Link (PAL), which has a Facebook group of over 1,500 parents of children with disabilities. Here, members can share their stories, advice, struggles, and receive emotional support from one another. Read the full BLOOM article about Brenda and her powerful story here.

Using her experience to support and guide other parents.

As a former client and current Client Liaison at Gluckstein Lawyers, Brenda uses her invaluable experience and expertise to help families navigate the difficulties and struggles during their personal injury suit and beyond. An active advocate in her community for disability awareness and equal accessibility for all, Brenda is an incredible reminder of how every small act of kindness and warm sentiment of a support can make a massive difference in the lives of others. With valuable insights to share, we have started a specialized blog series at Gluckstein called Brenda's Corner. These monthly blog posts touch on Brenda and her family's personal experiences with medical malpractice, and navigating every unexpected bump and challenge associated with parenting a child living with disabilities. Her goal has and will always be to do everything she can so that her son Maclain can thrive, succeed and be happy in life, despite his limitations from living with cerebral palsy.

Tune into the Gluckstein Blog on Monday, July 30th for the second edition of Brenda's Corner.

Did you miss her first post, Future Independence with Powered Mobility? You can read it here.

Please continue to follow Brenda's Corner for advice, insights and education related to parenting and empowering children of all abilities. Have questions? Contact Brenda directly at [email protected]


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