Would Educating Children About Brain Injuries Prevent Them?

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Many readers may be aware of the saying "Knowledge is power." The idea behind this adage is when someone is provided information about a topic they are able to make educated decisions about how to proceed. A program taught by Queen's University students seeks to apply that theory to brain injury prevention in children. 

Called Brain Waves, the individual behind the program is a Toronto neurosurgeon. As a part of the program, children in grades 4 to 6, are educated about their brains and what happens when they are injured. One of the coordinators of this year's program indicated kids in that age range are a good fit for several reasons. First, they are impressionable so the information provided stays with them. Next, they are generally excited to learn about the topic. Last, and perhaps most important - at that age they are at high risk for suffering a traumatic brain injury. In addition to learning about the anatomy of the brain, the children learn what each part of the organ does. Without providing scary information, they also spend time discussing some of the things that could go wrong with their brain if they do not make good decisions, and suffer a TBI. Among other things, the use of helmets when engaging in certain activities is touted.

Those behind this program believe it is important since so many of the brain injuries suffered by young people are preventable. Though there are no statistics to reflect the impact this program has had on reducing the number of brain injuries suffered by those who have gone through the program, feedback provided by students, parents, and teachers, suggests it is positive. Most would likely agree that any brain injury that is avoided is a good thing.


Children and Concussion 

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