Steve Rastin to present at Osgoode PD: Accident Benefits 2020: What's New? What's Important?

Default photo used for Steve Rastin to present at Osgoode PD: Accident Benefits 2020: What's New? What's Important?
Managing Partner of Rastin Gluckstein Lawyers; Steve Rastin will be presenting on the topic of 'Expert Evidence in Accident Benefit Cases: Considerations under the "new" LAT system' at Osgoode's Professional Development Program. Accident Benefits 2020: What's New? What's Important is happening on February 20 2020 from 9:00am to 4:30pm at Osgoode Professional Development Centre, 1 Dundas St West in Toronto. Accident Benefits is an area of practice that is undergoing significant transformations and it is imperative that lawyers, paralegals, law clerks, adjusters, and claims adjudicators are all keeping up to date on these changes. Rastin's paper on the topic of expert evidence will be posted to the Rastin Gluckstein Lawyers website following this event. For more information about the program, click here.


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